It’s been a walk that we thought would never end but indeed it will. Almost a year of preparation and then 5.5 weeks of actual traveling and doing.
There is a great dignity in simply completing a lengthy task. So many people complete this walk enduring quite a bit. I was quite impressed with the people that just kept on no matter how slow or how much pain they were in.
Was it life changing? Don’t know… but it was very certainly life affirming… filled with kindnesses and hope.
Am I grateful? Yes. My most grateful was when exhausted we stumbled upon an albergue where the Protestants and Catholics worked together to build something anyone could use. Gratitude is a bed and a shower and a friendly face.
This was a very long walk. It is for me about finishing and doing something outside of the norm. Setting an example that’s says it’s ok to do weird things. A dignity in carrying on.

Congratulations Ralph. Significant accomplishment. I hope tomorrow brings gentle winds and warm sun , so that the last KMs are a memory that had less struggle! Can’t wait to sit and chat about it all.
I am so happy for you to be completing this journey. Looking forward to having you home and hearing your stories. Love you.
Wow. Congratulations Ralph. You have inspired us all through your trek. Hoping the last day is perfect weather for your group and you reflect on this great accomplishment.