First the scenery was much better and we finally went past the halfway mark and got our certificate to prove it. Quite a good feeling.
We still have 2 in our group that may quit: they r currently taking taxis to the end points to try and recover a bit. It’s hard to make the no go decision. hope they can continue.
Today I realized that I don’t care that much about the news anymore. Could be my first Camino side effect. Tried several times to listen to a podcast and simply could not do it. Newspapers?: nope. love the grandchild videos tho.
Spoke with an American who had done 3 caminos. Asked him why. “They are great and the effect is larger once one goes home. “
And so we continue to walk and walk and walk…
Here are more pics

Congratulations on making it past halfway. Big milestone.
Thanks quite happy about that
Cynthia, Paul & I looked at your entries & photos together. Amazing! Keep on trekking! 😘
You sound great Ralph. Good going. Keep those feet happy.
Good going Ralphien. Keep on going strong. I know you can complete the Camino Francés. BTW, I didn’t realize it would be that difficult. Keep on following your 🌈
So proud of you babe!
Congrats! Great accomplishment so far.
Wow! That’s a huge accomplishment. Keep going, you’ve got this. The little grandchildren are cheering you on from home!
Okay, I don’t know why it says Phil’s name when it’s me who is writing this lol
Wow! That’s a huge accomplishment. Keep going, you’ve got this. The little grandchildren are cheering you on from home!
Wow, congrats for the halfway! Love following your blog 🙂