Another 33km day

Another 33km day

Was a great walking day out of Burgos. Sun was hot and bright. Found a place to stay in Hontanas. Feet very sore: ankles and feet slightly swollen. Will walk about 35 km tomorrow Working quite hard to do this walk. While many people do it: I promise you it’s not easy....
Burgos is a very nice city

Burgos is a very nice city

Beautifully kept with a great social ambiance. The highlight is the cathedral. Extravagant is the word that comes up mind. One can’t help but be impressed : that said I prefer the small and simple churches. For me the small ones have more charm.
Long walk today and some great views

Long walk today and some great views

Exhausted. 37.6km 45,972 steps. 10hours with a 40 min break in the middle somewhere. Everything is sore. The price of an epic walk. Quite an odd thing to do but one does it with others and somehow it has a meaning. 1 beer and 3 glasses of wine followed at dinner....
29km today.

29km today.

Relatively flat so not bad at all. Walked with my groupies. We mostly reconnected today serendipitously. Funny that you can go a day or two and not see anybody then everyone appears. Great to catch up. Head is good, legs are good, feet are starting to feel the effects...
The walk to Logroño

The walk to Logroño

This morning was up and down in the hills of rioja wine country but declined a bit to a not so interesting walk. Tired today. Only a few pics. almost 1/4 done. Little stone people Not sure what these are but I see quite a few. Maybe shelters for field hands. Entering...

21km today. Took it easy.

Because I met an old Dutch volunteer at a pilgrim food truck. He insisted I stop at the palacio sansol. His prof friend bought and renovated but has no idea how to market it. So here I am waiting for it to open at 1 pm. Bought a beer and chocolate croissant. Lunch of...