Made it

Made it

Walked into the cathedral square at 930 am today. Mission accomplished. 800km in 31.5 days. Walked every inch with no break days. I’ll have more to say later. Today we eat and may have some wine. We did manage to see the mass at the cathedral. Quite an impressive...
Tomorrow we end our epic walk.

Tomorrow we end our epic walk.

It’s been a walk that we thought would never end but indeed it will. Almost a year of preparation and then 5.5 weeks of actual traveling and doing. There is a great dignity in simply completing a lengthy task. So many people complete this walk enduring quite a bit. I...

From David Whyte’s poem: Finisterre

The road in the end taking the path the sun had taken,into the western sea, and the moon rising behind youas you stood where ground turned to ocean: no wayto your future now but the way your shadow could take,walking before you across water, going where shadows go,no...
In O Calle today. 29km hike.

In O Calle today. 29km hike.

As we get closer to the final destination I think our adrenaline is leaving our systems a little. We are all tired and today was another up and down long day. BUT: it’s the last long day. Tomorrow about 20 km and then the final push of 10km. Not too many pictures...
Today we are in O Coto 58 km from Santiago

Today we are in O Coto 58 km from Santiago

We are seeing the end and that brings both happy and sad feelings. Happy because we are almost done and we get to see family and friends again. Sad because this epic adventure and all that it has brought: community, friendship, difficulty, endurance, fun…. Is coming...