Much nicer hike today

Much nicer hike today

First the scenery was much better and we finally went past the halfway mark and got our certificate to prove it. Quite a good feeling. We still have 2 in our group that may quit: they r currently taking taxis to the end points to try and recover a bit. It’s hard to...
Another Meseta day

Another Meseta day

But tomorrow we walk past Sahagun the middle of the Camino. there we can get a certificate for completing the half. Feels a little like a gold star in grade school. Can’t wait to get it tho. People are starting to stop now. Some are going home or at least seriously...
A 2 day post

A 2 day post

Was a little tired yesterday so I didn’t post. We are in the thick of the meseta. This is about a 5 day hike where sound minded and able bodied people crack or make it. Wish me luck. Yesterday was 36 km of dirt road and wheat. Today was 20 km of dirt road beside a...